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Building Cross-Platform Mobile and Web Apps for Engineers and Scientists: An Active Learning Approach

Building Cross-Platform Mobile and Web Apps for Engineers and Scientists: An Active Learning Approach
(про)звание: Building Cross-Platform Mobile and Web Apps for Engineers and Scientists: An Active Learning Approach
Оригинатор: Matt Triff, Pawan Lingras, Rucha Lingras
Издательство: CL-Engineering
Время: 2016
Страниц: 370
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11 mb

Cross-platform application design provides an excellent starting point for mastering application development in this new book. You can introduce today's most popular technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, javascript, jQuery Mobile, Node.js, JSON, localStorage, sessionStorage, NoSQL using MongoDB, SQL using MySQL, templating using handlebars, and maps.

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